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A record of the LINUS simulation.

LINUS version 0.1

Simulation starting time: Wed Nov  6 15:34:31 2002

Input PDB Filename: ala.pdb
Molecule POLY
	Number of Residues: 9
	Number of Atoms   : 45

----- Simulation Parameters -----
	Number of Cycles:         5000
	Structure Save Frequency:          100
	Random Generator Seeds at Start: (2046255712.0, 246519591.0, 638524152.0, 2598136108.0, 3261455811.0, 3915774196.0)
	Beta for run: 2
	Number of trials: 1

----- Bump Check Information -----

 Total Number of Bumps = 0

----- Contact Score Information -----
Contact probe size: 2.8
Total number of contacts: 0

------ Contact Score Listing -----

Total Contact Score = -0

----- Hydrogen Bond Score Information -----
Hydrogen Bond Distance:   3.5
Hydrogen Bond Torsion:    140
Hydrogen Bond Probe Size: 1.5
Hydrogen Bond Score:
	Short: 0.5
	 Long: 1.5
Sidechain Hydrogen Bond Distance: 3.5
Sidechain Hydrogen Bond Torsion:  140
Sidechain Hydrogen Bond Score:    1

------ Hydrogen Bond Score Listing -----

Total Hydrogen Bond Score = -0.000

Total Energy of Initial Structure = 0
	HBond Minimum Window Size: 2
	HBond Maximum Window Size: 6
	Contact Minimum Window Size: 2
	Contact Maximum Window Size: 6

----- Sampling Weights at Start of Run -----
   1 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   2 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   3 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   4 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   5 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   6 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   7 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   8 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
   9 ALA   0.250   0.250   0.125   0.125   0.250
Simulation Finished at: Wed Nov  6 15:34:35 2002
Number of Structures Accepted: 11323
Number of Structures Rejected by Sterics: 13356
Total Number of Structures Rejected: 23677
Best Score: -3
Final Score: -2.91238
Random Generator Seeds at End: (1160892642.0, 3012484365.0, 2568151654.0, 3941341985.0, 1542031498.0, 2359133054.0)

----- Bump Check Information -----

 Total Number of Bumps = 0

----- Contact Score Information -----
Contact probe size: 2.8
Total number of contacts: 0

------ Contact Score Listing -----

Total Contact Score = -0

----- Hydrogen Bond Score Information -----
Hydrogen Bond Distance:   3.5
Hydrogen Bond Torsion:    140
Hydrogen Bond Probe Size: 1.5
Hydrogen Bond Score:
	Short: 0.5
	 Long: 1.5
Sidechain Hydrogen Bond Distance: 3.5
Sidechain Hydrogen Bond Torsion:  140
Sidechain Hydrogen Bond Score:    1

------ Hydrogen Bond Score Listing -----
   4 ALA  N      1 ALA  O   Distance = 2.929 Score = 0.500
   5 ALA  N      2 ALA  O   Distance = 3.396 Score = 0.500
   6 ALA  N      3 ALA  O   Distance = 3.763 Score = 0.412
   7 ALA  N      4 ALA  O   Distance = 3.494 Score = 0.500
   8 ALA  N      5 ALA  O   Distance = 2.978 Score = 0.500
   9 ALA  N      6 ALA  O   Distance = 3.054 Score = 0.500

Total Hydrogen Bond Score = -2.912

Total Energy of Initial Structure = -2.91238

----- Sampling Weights at Start of Run -----

----- Move Type Details ----
  Residue        Helix               Sheet              Turn1              Turn2               Coil
           Accepted Rejected   Accepted Rejected  Accepted Rejected  Accepted Rejected  Accepted Rejected
    1 ALA         0        0         0        0         0        0         0        0         0        0
    2 ALA       645      668       553      661       344      314       267      330       585      736
    3 ALA       499      786       429      838       192      423       204      470       388      888
    4 ALA       476      792       300      934       148      496       130      458       275     1010
    5 ALA       480      715       217     1054       117      495       109      510       207     1030
    6 ALA       435      790       237      984       112      501       133      484       252      985
    7 ALA       583      691       255      979       139      496       204      416       315      917
    8 ALA       785      414       376      904       233      349       278      328       421      831
    9 ALA         0        0         0        0         0        0         0        0         0        0