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Secondary Structure Letter Codes




Mapping φ,ψ-values into letter codes

For purposes of assigning a letter code, φ - ψ space is tiled into 60° by 60° bins. Each bin is labeled with a letter code, as shown in the figure below. Letter codes for each bin

For example a residue with φ = -64° and ψ = -43° will be assigned a letter code of 'O' and a residue with φ = -120° and ψ = 135° will be assigned a letter code of 'L'

Specific secondary structure assignments within LINUS are as follows:

  1. α-helices are segments of 5 or more residues, each of which has a letter code in the set {'O', 'P'}, with the condition that the segment has at least 5 successive residues with the letter code 'O'.
  2. β-strands are segments of 3 or more successive residues each of which has a letter code in the set {'L', 'G', 'F', 'A', 'R', 'M'}.
  3. Assign β-turns by examining every overlapping 2-residue segment. A residue and it's succeeding residue are assigned a turn conformation if the letter codes of the pair is one of: {'OO', 'OP', 'OJ', 'PO', 'PP', 'PJ', 'JO', 'JP', 'JJ', 'Mo', 'Mp', 'Mj', 'Ro', 'Rp', 'Rj', 'oo', 'op', 'oj', 'po', 'pp', 'pj', 'jo', 'jp', 'jj', 'mO', 'mP', 'mJ', 'rO', 'rP', 'rJ'}.
  4. Residues not classified into one of these three categories are assigned as coil.