Secondary struture is determined from fine grained mesostate definitions using the match hieirarchy below:

SS Type SS Code Mesostates Description
α-helix H De, Df, Ed, Ee, Ef, Fe A region is identified as helix if there are five or more contiguous residues in the mesostate set.
β-strand E Bj, Bk, Bl, Cj, Ck, Cl, Dj, Dk, Dl A region is defined as strand if there are three or more contiguous residues in the mesostate set.
β-turn T EfDf, EeEf, EfEf, EfDg, EeDg, EeEe, EfCg, EeDf, EkJf, EkIg, EfEe, EkJg, EeCg, DfDf, EfCf, DgDf, DfDg, IhIg, EfDe, EkIh, DgCg, DfCg, IbDg, DfEe, FeEf, IbEf, DfEf, IhJf, IhJg, IgIg, EfCh, DgEe, DgEf, EeEg, IhIh, EeDe, IgJg, EkKf, EeCh, IbDf, DgDg, EgDf, FeDg, ElIg, IgIh, DfDe, EjIg, EeCf, DfCh, DgCf, DfCf, DeEe, DkIh, FeDf, EkIf, EeDh, DgCh, IgJf, EjJg, FeEe, DlIh, EgCg, ElIh, EjJf, FeCg, DlIg, IbCg, EfEg, EkJe, FkJf, ElJg, DgDe, DlJg, EgCf, IaEf, FkIg, JaEf, EjIh, EgEf, DkJg, DeEf, EeCi, JgIh, IcEf, EkKe, DkIg, IbEe, EgDg, EeFe, EjKf, IaDf, HhIg, HbDg, ElJf, EfDh, IcDf, EfBh, IcDg, IcCg, FkJg, FeCh, IgKf, FdDg, EkHh, DfDh, DgBh, DfBh, DeDf, DfFe, EfFe, EgEe, EgDe, DkJf, JgJg, IbEg, IbCh, EfBg, DgCe, JlEf, CgCg, HhJf, EeBi, DfBi, IhIf, FeEg, FdEf, EdEf, DlJf, DhCg, JgIg, IeBg, FjIg, FdCh, EdEe, JfIh, JaEe, HhJg, HbEf, HbCh, FkIh, FjJf, ElJe, DhDf, CgDf All dipeptide pairs which match a combination in the mesostate set are defined as a β-turn.
PII-conf/ P Dk, Dl, Ek, El Residues that have not already been classified as strand, yet match any of the elements in the mesotate set, are categorized as polyproline-II conformation.
Coil C All All other residues not classified as P, T, E, or H are assigned as coil.