Tools for building coordinates of hetero compounds

Getting coordinates

The topology and parameter files for the acetyl and amide capping groups shown in the previous tutorial were created without the knowledge of atomic coordinates. This is only possible for very small compounds. For the vast majority of hetero compounds, it is necessary to know the atomic coordinates from which the topology and parameters can then be derived.

In favorable cases, atomic coordinates for a given hetero compound, or at least for a similar compound, can be found in the PDB. However, instead of looking in the PDB directly, often it is much more convenient to search for hetero compounds on Gerard Kleywegt's HIC-UP server.

The most comprehensive resource for small molecules structures is the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). At the time of this writing, the CSD contains crystal structure information for over 190,000 organic and metal organic compounds. The coordinates are in general of high quality and very well suited for the derivation of topology and parameter definitions. However, the CSD is a commercial product and therefore its use is limited to members of registered, paying institutions.

The next best resource for obtaining coordinates, or even ready-to-use CNS topology and parameter files, are the BIOSCI news groups. If the compound is not too exotic, there is a fair chance that someone responds to a request for hetero compound coordinates.

If all else fails, one can use commercial software or the (essentially) free web-based tool Corina to build a compound from scratch and get the conformation by energy minimization. Corina provides a tool for drawing a structure, performs minimization and returns the coordinates in PDB format.

A structure drawing created with the Java Molecular Editor available at the Corina web site.

The problem with coordinates built from scratch and with energy minimization is that the resulting conformation frequently is not the one observed in the crystal structure. In case of doubt, the best approach is to built the molecule based on the experimental electron density, optionally followed by energy minimization.

Converting coordinates to topology and parameter files

Once a three-dimensional model of a hetero-compound is available, the topology and parameter definitions can either be created by hand, or, much more conveniently, by using Gerard Kleywegt's XPLO2D server. A PDB file can be submitted to the server, and topology and parameter files are returned via e-mail. However, in general these files cannot be used without careful inspection and revisions. The example files shown below speak for themselves.

A topology file returned by the XPLO2D server

Remarks /var/tmp/
Remarks Created by XPLO2D V. 990106/2.8.4 at Fri Jul 2 03:17:51 1999 for root
Remarks Auto-generated by XPLO2D from file /var/tmp/xdict_8678.pdb
Remarks You *MUST* check/edit MASSes and CHARges !!!
Remarks Check DONOrs and ACCEptors
Remarks Verify IMPRopers yourself
Remarks DIHEdrals which are not flat are commented out

 set echo=false end

 { edit masses if necessary }
 MASS CX1    13.01900 ! assuming C -> 12.01100 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS CX2    13.01900 ! assuming C -> 12.01100 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS CX3    13.01900 ! assuming C -> 12.01100 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS CX4    13.01900 ! assuming C -> 12.01100 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS CX5    13.01900 ! assuming C -> 12.01100 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS CX6    14.02700 ! assuming C -> 12.01100 + 1.008 * 2 (Hs)
 MASS CX7    15.03500 ! assuming C -> 12.01100 + 1.008 * 3 (Hs)
 MASS OX8    15.99900 ! assuming O -> 15.99900 + 1.008 * 0 (Hs)
 MASS OX9    17.00700 ! assuming O -> 15.99900 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS OX10   17.00700 ! assuming O -> 15.99900 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS OX11   17.00700 ! assuming O -> 15.99900 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)
 MASS OX12   15.99900 ! assuming O -> 15.99900 + 1.008 * 0 (Hs)
 MASS OX13   17.00700 ! assuming O -> 15.99900 + 1.008 * 1 (Hs)

 autogenerate angles=true end


 ATOM  C1   TYPE CX1   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  C2   TYPE CX2   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  C3   TYPE CX3   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  C4   TYPE CX4   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  C5   TYPE CX5   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  C6   TYPE CX6   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  2
 ATOM  C7   TYPE CX7   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  3
 ATOM  O1   TYPE OX8   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  0
 ATOM  O2   TYPE OX9   CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  O3   TYPE OX10  CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  O4   TYPE OX11  CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1
 ATOM  O5   TYPE OX12  CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  0
 ATOM  O6   TYPE OX13  CHARge  0.0  END ! Nr of Hs =  1

 BOND  C1   C2       BOND  C1   O1       BOND  C1   O5       BOND  C2   C3
 BOND  C2   O2       BOND  C3   C4       BOND  C3   O3       BOND  C4   C5
 BOND  C4   O4       BOND  C5   C6       BOND  C5   O5       BOND  C6   O6
 BOND  C7   O1

 { edit these DIHEdrals if necessary }
! DIHEdral  O1   C1   C2   C3  ! flexible dihedral ???   -68.44
  DIHEdral  O1   C1   C2   O2  ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans)   172.04
! DIHEdral  O5   C1   C2   C3  ! flexible dihedral ???    52.40
! DIHEdral  O5   C1   C2   O2  ! flexible dihedral ???   -67.11
! DIHEdral  C2   C1   O5   C5  ! flexible dihedral ???   -59.84
! DIHEdral  O1   C1   O5   C5  ! flexible dihedral ???    58.61
! DIHEdral  C1   C2   C3   C4  ! flexible dihedral ???   -51.56
  DIHEdral  C1   C2   C3   O3  ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans)   188.46
! DIHEdral  O2   C2   C3   C4  ! flexible dihedral ???    67.39
! DIHEdral  O2   C2   C3   O3  ! flexible dihedral ???   -52.59
! DIHEdral  C2   C3   C4   C5  ! flexible dihedral ???    51.91
  DIHEdral  C2   C3   C4   O4  ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans)   173.78
  DIHEdral  O3   C3   C4   C5  ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans)   171.20
! DIHEdral  O3   C3   C4   O4  ! flexible dihedral ???   -66.93
  DIHEdral  C3   C4   C5   C6  ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans)   185.69
! DIHEdral  C3   C4   C5   O5  ! flexible dihedral ???   -54.04
! DIHEdral  O4   C4   C5   C6  ! flexible dihedral ???    63.72
  DIHEdral  O4   C4   C5   O5  ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans)   183.98
! DIHEdral  C4   C5   C6   O6  ! flexible dihedral ???    57.85
! DIHEdral  O5   C5   C6   O6  ! flexible dihedral ???   -63.23
! DIHEdral  C4   C5   O5   C1  ! flexible dihedral ???    60.78
  DIHEdral  C6   C5   O5   C1  ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans)   186.34

 { edit these IMPRopers if necessary }
 IMPRoper  C1   C2   O1   O5  ! chirality or flatness improper   -34.29
 IMPRoper  C2   C1   C3   O2  ! chirality or flatness improper    35.51
 IMPRoper  C3   C2   C4   O3  ! chirality or flatness improper    35.27
 IMPRoper  C4   C3   C5   O4  ! chirality or flatness improper   -32.96
 IMPRoper  C5   C4   C6   O5  ! chirality or flatness improper   -35.51

 { edit any DONOrs and ACCEptors if necessary }
 ACCEptor  O1   C1
 ACCEptor  O2   C2
 ACCEptor  O3   C3
 ACCEptor  O4   C4
 ACCEptor  O5   C1
 ACCEptor  O6   C6


A parameter file returned by the XPLO2D server

Remarks /var/tmp/xdict_8678.par
Remarks Created by XPLO2D V. 990106/2.8.4 at Fri Jul 2 06:12:27 1999 for root
Remarks Auto-generated by XPLO2D from file /var/tmp/xdict_8678.pdb
Remarks Parameters for residue type MMA

 set echo=false end

 { edit if necessary }
 BOND CX1  CX2    1000.0  1.507 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX1  OX8    1000.0  1.416 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX1  OX12   1000.0  1.431 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX2  CX3    1000.0  1.523 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX2  OX9    1000.0  1.414 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX3  CX4    1000.0  1.537 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX3  OX10   1000.0  1.441 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX4  CX5    1000.0  1.539 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX4  OX11   1000.0  1.418 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX5  CX6    1000.0  1.534 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX5  OX12   1000.0  1.423 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX6  OX13   1000.0  1.429 ! Nobs =    1
 BOND CX7  OX8    1000.0  1.435 ! Nobs =    1

 { edit if necessary }
 ANGLe CX2  CX1  OX8     500.0   107.44 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX2  CX1  OX12    500.0   109.20 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe OX8  CX1  OX12    500.0   111.31 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX1  CX2  CX3     500.0   111.76 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX1  CX2  OX9     500.0   107.84 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX3  CX2  OX9     500.0   108.78 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX2  CX3  CX4     500.0   111.47 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX2  CX3  OX10    500.0   108.03 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX4  CX3  OX10    500.0   109.20 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX3  CX4  CX5     500.0   110.01 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX3  CX4  OX11    500.0   110.40 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX5  CX4  OX11    500.0   110.23 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX4  CX5  CX6     500.0   115.75 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX4  CX5  OX12    500.0   108.52 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX6  CX5  OX12    500.0   107.00 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX5  CX6  OX13    500.0   109.50 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX1  OX8  CX7     500.0   118.00 ! Nobs =    1
 ANGLe CX1  OX12 CX5     500.0   117.07 ! Nobs =    1

 { edit if necessary }
 DIHEdral OX8  CX1  CX2  CX3     750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -68.44
 DIHEdral OX8  CX1  CX2  OX9     750.0 0   180.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   172.04
 DIHEdral OX12 CX1  CX2  CX3     750.0 0    60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =    52.40
 DIHEdral OX12 CX1  CX2  OX9     750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -67.11
 DIHEdral CX2  CX1  OX12 CX5     750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -59.84
 DIHEdral OX8  CX1  OX12 CX5     750.0 0    60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =    58.61
 DIHEdral CX1  CX2  CX3  CX4     750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -51.56
 DIHEdral CX1  CX2  CX3  OX10    750.0 0   180.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =  -171.54
 DIHEdral OX9  CX2  CX3  CX4     750.0 0    60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =    67.39
 DIHEdral OX9  CX2  CX3  OX10    750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -52.59
 DIHEdral CX2  CX3  CX4  CX5     750.0 0    60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =    51.91
 DIHEdral CX2  CX3  CX4  OX11    750.0 0   180.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   173.78
 DIHEdral OX10 CX3  CX4  CX5     750.0 0   180.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   171.20
 DIHEdral OX10 CX3  CX4  OX11    750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -66.93
 DIHEdral CX3  CX4  CX5  CX6     750.0 0   180.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =  -174.31
 DIHEdral CX3  CX4  CX5  OX12    750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -54.04
 DIHEdral OX11 CX4  CX5  CX6     750.0 0    60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =    63.72
 DIHEdral OX11 CX4  CX5  OX12    750.0 0   180.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =  -176.02
 DIHEdral CX4  CX5  CX6  OX13    750.0 0    60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =    57.85
 DIHEdral OX12 CX5  CX6  OX13    750.0 0   -60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   -63.23
 DIHEdral CX4  CX5  OX12 CX1     750.0 0    60.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =    60.78
 DIHEdral CX6  CX5  OX12 CX1     750.0 0   180.00 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =  -173.66

 { edit if necessary }
 IMPRoper CX1  CX2  OX8  OX12    750.0 0  -35.000 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =  -34.293
 IMPRoper CX2  CX1  CX3  OX9     750.0 0   35.000 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   35.510
 IMPRoper CX3  CX2  CX4  OX10    750.0 0   35.000 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =   35.268
 IMPRoper CX4  CX3  CX5  OX11    750.0 0  -35.000 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =  -32.958
 IMPRoper CX5  CX4  CX6  OX12    750.0 0  -35.000 ! Nobs =    1 ... Value =  -35.506

 { edit if necessary }
 NONBonded CX1  0.1200  3.7418    0.1000  3.3854 ! assuming Carbon
 NONBonded CX2  0.1200  3.7418    0.1000  3.3854 ! assuming Carbon
 NONBonded CX3  0.1200  3.7418    0.1000  3.3854 ! assuming Carbon
 NONBonded CX4  0.1200  3.7418    0.1000  3.3854 ! assuming Carbon
 NONBonded CX5  0.1200  3.7418    0.1000  3.3854 ! assuming Carbon
 NONBonded CX6  0.1200  3.7418    0.1000  3.3854 ! assuming Carbon
 NONBonded CX7  0.1200  3.7418    0.1000  3.3854 ! assuming Carbon
 NONBonded OX8  0.1591  2.8509    0.1591  2.8509 ! assuming Oxygen
 NONBonded OX9  0.1591  2.8509    0.1591  2.8509 ! assuming Oxygen
 NONBonded OX10 0.1591  2.8509    0.1591  2.8509 ! assuming Oxygen
 NONBonded OX11 0.1591  2.8509    0.1591  2.8509 ! assuming Oxygen
 NONBonded OX12 0.1591  2.8509    0.1591  2.8509 ! assuming Oxygen
 NONBonded OX13 0.1591  2.8509    0.1591  2.8509 ! assuming Oxygen

 set echo=true end

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