The 3d-vector construct allows one to specify a three-dimensional real vector. The construct is also used to specify a 3x3 matrix by entering one row at a time. A 3d-vector takes the form:
( real real real )
( [TAIL=atom-selection] [HEAD=atom-selection] )
This defines the tail or the head of the vector as the center of mass of the specified atom selections using the mass atom property and the main coordinate set x,y,z. If HEAD is not specified, it defaults to (0,0,0); similarly for TAIL.
3x3 MatricesThe matrix construct allows one to specify a 3x3 real matrix. There are several modes available to specify rotation matrices. An arbitrary 3x3 matrix can be specified by using the MATRix construct. Note: all rotations are counterclockwise.
A rotation matrix is specified by a rotation axis (2,3,4) and a rotation angle (40 degrees) around the axis (counterclockwise rotation):
AXIS=( 2, 3, 4 ) 40.
Here a matrix is specified by direct input:
MATRix=( 1. 3. 5. ) ( 4. 2. 1. ) ( 2. 1. 8. )
The last example shows how to specify a rotation matrix by using the Eulerian angles q1,q2,q3:
EULEr=( 30. 40. 120. )