MAD phasing guidelines
Preparation of diffraction data
- Use all data.
- If possible, use the Wilson statistics to put the MAD data sets on
an absolute scale. This is important because phase refinement sometimes
fails if the scale factor is very different from one. If Wilson
statistics cannot be used because the high resolution limit of the MAD
data is not at least 3 Å, a high resolution native data set
should be used if available. Use the high resolution data set for the
determination of the absolute scale factor, and scale the MAD data
sets relative to this one.
Validation of diffraction data
- Use analyse.matrix anomalous for an overiew of all average
anomalous differences and dispersive difference. Use
analyse_anom_diff_*.distr to check individual anomalous signals in
resolution shells. Use analyse_diff_*_*.distr to check individual
dispersive signals in resolution shells. Use analyse_corr_*_*.dist to
compare anomalous differences.
- Visual inspection of the Harker sections of anomalous difference
Patterson maps is an alternative way to check anomalous signals. The
Harker sections should show a number of outstanding peaks (depending
on the number of anomalous scatterers).
Heavy atom search
- Search for only ~2/3 of the total number of expected sites.
- Resolution range: 15 Å and 4 to 3 Å.
- Use heavy_search.list to identify heavy atom configurations with
outstanding correlation coefficients. Trials with a correlation
coefficients greater than 1.5 sigma of all trials are flagged with a
plus sign.
- Average maps only if a search with one set of difference structure
factors was not successful.
Heavy atom model refinement, resolution of hand ambiguity
- Two heavy atom/phase refinements are carried out in parallel, one
for each hand of the heavy atom configuration.
- Use all data unless there are serious doubts about the quality of
the high resolution data.
- Use the data set with the smallest dispersive signal as
"Reference wavelength". In general, the choice of the
reference wavelength is not critical.
- Approximate values for f' and f" are usually sufficient.
- The map for the correct choice of hand should show a clear contrast
between protein regions and solvent regions. The electron density of
the other map is expected to be much more evenly distributed in the
unit cell. If it difficult to decide which choice of hand is the
correct one, density modification should be performed and the new
electron density maps inspected.
Heavy atom model refinement and completion, density modification
- Use the anomalous difference Fourier map in combination with the (more
powerful) gradient map to search for additional heavy atom sites.
- If the electron density is not interpretable, review the
mad_phase*.summary and density_modify*.list files
for the phasing and density modification procedures, respectively. The
phasing power in the low resolution shells should be greater than
about two. The higher the better. The phasing power normally goes down
in the high resolution shells. It is often not a good sign if the
phasing power is more or less constant for all resolution shells, even
if it is around two. The phasing figure of merit should be 0.5 or