We will assume that the diffraction data has been converted to CNS format using to_cns or CCP4. There will then be separate reflection files containing information for the native and each derivative.
The information for the native and the derivatives is then merged into a single reflection file, at the same time giving each dataset a unique name (eg. f_nat, f_kuof, f_phga). The merge and renaming are performed with the CNS task file merge.inp.
cns_solve < merge.inp > merge.out [10 seconds]
The output of the merge.inp task file is a CNS formatted reflection file. This will contain a header which describes the data items in the file, followed by the data items themselves. The file is plain ASCII and can be viewed with any text viewer/editor. Example header from a CNS reflection file contained multiple data sets for MIR phasing:
NREFlection= 6735 ANOMalous=FALSe { equiv. to HERMitian=TRUE} DECLare NAME=S_NAT DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=F_KUOF DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=S_KUOF DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=F_PHGA DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=S_PHGA DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=F_NAT DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END INDE 4 0 0 S_NAT= 632.700 F_KUOF= 0.000 S_KUOF= 572.276 F_PHGA= 226.494 S_PHGA= 3.728 F_NAT= 0.000 INDE 6 0 0 S_NAT= 4.184 F_KUOF= 315.062 S_KUOF= 4.109 F_PHGA= 419.044 S_PHGA= 4.877 F_NAT= 304.297 INDE 8 0 0 S_NAT= 3.414 F_KUOF= 73.576 S_KUOF= 2.804 F_PHGA= 166.853 S_PHGA= 2.307 F_NAT= 60.085
After merging of the native/derivative information the datasets must be scaled together (assuming that this has not been done in some other way prior to entering CNS). The scaling is performed with the CNS task file scale.inp.
cns_solve < scale.inp > scale.out [15 seconds]
In this case the native data extends to a resolution (2.8Å) which is high enough to perform Wilson scaling. The derivative datasets will be then scaled to the native. The Wilson scaling will place the data on an approximate absolute scale.
Script to run this tutorial