Converting scalepack reflection files

The scalepack file with the anomalous-wavelength data (processed with scale anomalous) must be converted to CNS reflection file format using the command to_cns.
      to_cns w3.hkl  [< 1 second]

In this case the data extends to high enough resolution to perform Wilson scaling. This will place the data on an approximate absolute scale and is very important for the SAD phasing procedure.

      cns_solve < scale.inp > scale.out  [9 seconds]
The output of the scale.inp task file is sad_scale.hkl, a CNS formatted reflection file. This file does contain a header which describes the data items in the file, followed by the data items themselves. The file is plain ASCII and can be viewed with any text viewer/editor. As an example, the beginning of sad_scale.hkl is shown:
 NREFlection=     25386
 ANOMalous=TRUE { equiv. to HERMitian=FALSe}
 DECLare NAME=FOBS                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=REAL END
 DECLare NAME=SIGMA                  DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=REAL END
 INDE     1    0    0 FOBS=     0.000 SIGMA=     0.000
 INDE     1    1    0 FOBS=     1.667 SIGMA=     1.667
 INDE     1    1    2 FOBS=   184.111 SIGMA=     4.519
 INDE     2    0    1 FOBS=   208.408 SIGMA=     7.963
 INDE     2    0   -1 FOBS=   188.926 SIGMA=     4.185
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