There are two programs which can be used to convert CCP4 MTZ format reflection files to CNS format (both programs are part of CCP4 version 3.5):
NREFlection= 1400 ANOMalous=TRUE { equiv. to HERMitian=FALSe} DECLare NAME=FOBS DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=COMP END DECLare NAME=SIGMA DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=PA DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=PB DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=PC DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END DECLare NAME=PD DOMAin=RECIprocal TYPE=REAL END GROUp TYPE=HL OBJEct=PA OBJEct=PB OBJEct=PC OBJEct=PD END INDE 0 4 2 FOBS= 677.8 0.0 SIGMA= 19.40 PA= -0.486 PB= 0.000 PC= 0.000 PD= 0.000Note that the grouping of the HL coefficients is essential in order that remapping of reflections to a different asymmetric unit is performed correctly.
mtz2various HKLIN infile HKLOUT outfile << EOF RESOLUTION 10000 2 OUTPUT CNS EXCLUDE SIGP 0.001 # to exclude unmeasured refl. LABIN FP=Fnat SIGFP=SIGnat PHIB=PHI FOM=FOMM HLA=HLA HLB=HLB HLC=HLC HLD=HLD END EOFIf you have anomalous data as F and deltaF:
# Convert MTZ file with anomalous data as F and deltaF to CNS format. # F(+h +k +l) and F(-h -k -l) are reconstructed from FP and DP. mtz2various hklin file.mtz HKLOUT file.hkl <<+ LABIN FP=F SIGFP=SIGF DP=DANO SIGDP=SIGDANO OUTPUT CNS END +If you have anomalous data as F(+) and F(-):
# Convert MTZ file with anomalous data as F(+) and F(-) to CNS format. mtz2various hklin file.mtz HKLOUT file.hkl <<+ LABIN F(+)=F(+) SIGF(+)=SIGF(+) F(-)=F(-) SIGF(-)=SIGF(-) OUTPUT CNS END +