prot.srf file
The prot.srf file contains all the information from the calculation of occluded surface
and extension of surface normals. The additional programs in this package
analyze the data in this file.
A sample of a typical prot.srf file is explained below:
AVG for ATOM: CG2 28.374 es 2.792 os 31.166 ts 0.527 Rln THR 13
INF THR 13@CG2_>LEU 14@O___ 7 pts 1.412 A2 0.175 Rlen 3.74 Dxx
INF THR 13@CG2_>ILE 15@CG1_ 5 pts 0.858 A2 0.840 Rlen 5.94 Dxx
INF THR 13@CG2_>MET 26@CE__ 1 pts 0.299 A2 0.991 Rlen 6.52 Dxx
INF THR 13@CG2_>ILE 15@CA__ 1 pts 0.223 A2 0.964 Rlen 6.11 Dxx
ES_Total : 57.962 THR 13
ES_Backbone : 10.702 THR 13
ES_Side Chain : 47.260 THR 13
OS_Total : 32.587 THR 13
OS_Backbone : 25.113 THR 13
OS_Side Chain : 7.474 THR 13
Ave_Raylength : 0.430 THR 13
- For the AVG line:
- es is the exposed surface area in Angstroms for that atom
- os is the occluded surface area in Angstroms for that atom
- ts is the total surface area in Angstroms for that atom
- Rln is the mean raylength for that atom
The first INF line means the following:
The CG2 atom of THR 13 is occluded by the O atom of LEU 14;
seven (6) surface points (pts) with a total surface area of 1.412 square Angstoms (A2) is occluded;
the mean fractional raylength (Rlen) for this occluded patch is 0.175;
the distance between the CG2 and O atom centers is 3.74 Angstroms (Dxx).
In the residue summary section:
ES_Total is the total exposed surface area for THR 13
ES_Backbone is the exposed surface area of the N, CA, C, O atoms
ES_Side Chain is the exposed surface area of the side chain atoms
OS_Total is the total exposed surface area
OS_Backbone is the exposed surface area of the N, CA, C, O atoms
OS_Side Chain is the exposed surface area of the side chain atoms
Ave_Raylength is the mean fractional raylength for the residue (Equals 1.0 if there is
no occluding van der Waals surface within 2.8 Angstroms of the molecular
surface of THR 13; equals 0.0 if 100% of the molecular surface of THR 13
were in contact with van der Waals surface of other atoms.)
MC_RAYLENGTH and SC_RAYLENGTH break down the raylength averages to main chain and side chain components.