Estimate of Unfolded state Accessible Surface Area

This is a form that allows you to enter a sequence and compute an estimate of the accessible surface area of a protein in the unfolded state


The surface area buried by a protein in the native (folded) state is widely used as a measure of the contribution of the hydrophobic effect. While the accessible surface area of the folded state is readily computed from the experimentally determined conformation, the surface area in the unfolded state has to be estimated. Usually, the surface area in the unfolded state is computed as the sum of the accessible surface area of each residue in an extended tri-peptide. This procedure is sub-optimal and over estimates the accessible surface area. The method used here, uses estimated lower and upper bounds for the surface area of the residue in the unfolded state based both on an analysis of known structures as well as hard sphere Monte Carlo simulations, and is thought to be a better approximation of the unfolded state surface area.


  1. Creamer, T.P., Srinivasan, R. and Rose, G.D. Modeling unfolded states of peptides and proteins. Biochemistry 34: 16245-16250, 1995.
  2. Creamer, T.P., Srinivasan, R. and Rose, G.D. Modeling unfolded states of proteins and peptides. II. Backbone solvent accessibility. Biochemistry 36: 2832-2835, 1997.

Protein name (optional)

Sequence data ( amino acid one letter codes in UPPERCASE):